Voting District Search

Knox County Voting District Search

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Important Note: The Voting District Search page has been upgraded to include a new mapping interface. The map wil allow you to see voting locations, get driving directions, and view political district boundaries in Knox County. This page will remain operational during the current election cycle but you should update your bookmarks to the new page. The new page can be found here:

Enter your address in the text box below. Click the "Go!" button to see your voting location and a list of state and local representatives. Please contact the Knox County Election Commission at (865) 215-2480 if you have questions. Information shown on this web page is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and is subject to the KGIS Disclaimer.

The address was not found!
Below is a list of potential address matches:

Results for:
Early Voting Location Information:
2017 City of Knoxville Regular Election
Early voting will be held from October 18, 2017 to November 2, 2017.
Voting Location Information:
Important Note:
The upcoming election is a City Only election. The voting location listed above is an alternate location for this address and is used only during City Only elections. Please call the Election Commission Office at 865-215-2480 if you have any questions.
County Commission:
District #:
- at large seat 10
- at large seat 11
City Council:
District #:
George C. Wallace - at large seat A
Marshall Stair - at large seat B
Finbarr Saunders - at large seat C
School Board:
District #:
State House:
District #:
State Senate:
District #: