
KGIS Supported Sites

Knox County Property Tax Levy (Trustee): Search all of Knox County tax payment records by Parcel ID, Property Address or Owner Name. Tax payment history also included.

Knox County Property Lookup (Assessor): Search and locate detailed appraisal data for all real-property in Knox County. Provides access to street-level view of some properties. Integrated with KGIS Maps.

Knox County Adopt-A-Stream Program: includes an interactive map that supports the citizen-based monitoring and litter-prevention program of Knox County's waterways.

Knox County Highway Improvements: Capital Improvement Projects of the Knox County Engineering & Public Works division. Interactive map with clickable links to information about each project, including download pdfs. Also, a Permits Search can be found on the Codes page. The Snow Removal Plan can be accessed via a link on the Highway Maintenance Division page.

Knoxville Property Tax RecordsSearch City of Knoxville tax records by Parcel ID, Property Address or Owner Name. Results include Assessed and Appraised values, Owner mailing addresses, tax classification, City Tax Ward district number, subdivision name, subdivision block and lot number.

Knoxville Survey Control Points: Interactive mapping site of Knoxville's Survey Control Point information. Search for control points, review control point information (i.e. coordinates, elevations, azimuth points, description, etc.), calculate a bearing and distance between control points, and print maps showing control point location and data. (NGS Map)

KUB Power Outages : An interactive map that displays current status of power across KUB's service area. KUB's website also hosts several other maps, including the following:

Planning Agenda Cases: Interactive mapping website that allows one to locate upcoming agenda items on the Knoxville Knox County Planning Commission's monthly meeting, along with viewing of past items and their final status. Other Planning map resources can be found on Planning's Data Resources page and on the related Tools page. The Affordable Housing Dashboard was also created by Knox Planning.

TDC Business Parks: Interactive maps of available business park sites managed by The Development Corporation of Knox County.

Other Knoxville Map Resources

Knoxville Area Transit (KAT) Bus Routes:
Knoxville Area Transit (KAT) Bus Schedules and Route maps

Knoxville Capital Improvements Map:
Current Capital Construction & Design projects undertaken by City of Knoxville.

Knoxville Downtown Map:
Maps of downtown Knoxville, including Parking and Transit options. Includes links to several other map resources (such as TDOT). 

Knoxville / Knox County Crime Map 
Interactive map of Incidents

Knoxville Empowerment Zones:
Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Open Data Portal interactive map of Empowerment Zones.

Knoxville Greenways and Parks:
City of Knoxville's Greenways and Parks.  Site contains links to several map resources for all City parks and greenways, including bicycle routes and blueways.

Knoxville Historical Imagery \ Urban Renewal:
Maps and imagery of pre-Urban Renewal Knoxville, including scanned 1917 Sanborn maps. Created by ORNL's Chris DeRolph. 

Knoxville Public Service Areas: Maps of the neighborhood Public Service Zones of the City of Knoxville.

Knoxville Recycling Centers:
Google-based map showing the City, County and UT recycling centers

Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization (TPO): 
Maps of REGIONAL Transportation-related themes, including Air Quality and Traffic Congestion. (Planning area includes: Knox, Sevier, Blount, Loudon, Anderson and Jefferson counties)

Knoxville Tree Canopy  
Various maps showing tree canopy and impervious conditions covering City of Knoxville neighborhoods. Visit Knoxville's Urban Forestry page for links to the TreeKeeper tree inventory map (Google based map)

Knoxville Knox County Planning Planning Commission monthly agenda maps; lists of Knox County street names; Urban Growth boundary maps; Several other maps and map-related data. Check out the Data Resources page or the Tools page.

Knox County Commission Districts:
Knox County Commission website. Displays general map of Commission districts along with Commissioners. County Commission also maintains a Directory of Government Officials.

Knox County Parks:
Knox County Parks & Recreation County-wide maps and resources, including the Find-A-Park Google Maps-based app.

Knox County School Bus Stops:
School Bus Locator service which provides user with option to view a map of the bus route.

Knox County Schools Regional Groupings:
In 2022, Knox County Schools were organized across five (5) different regions roughly grouped by feeder patterns.

Tennessee Department of Transportation Maps:
TDOT road maps, including the official Tennessee Highway Map and a Knox County road map. (also some vintage 1998 Knoxville city road maps). Tennessee Smartways Traffic and Construction Projects.

University of Tennessee Campus Maps:
This site has several maps of the UT Campus area and a building locator page for finding specific buildings on campus.

Utilities Maps
In addition to KUB's various maps (see above), several other utility providers maintain maps on their respective websites: First Utility (FUD) Service Area; HallsDale Powell Utility (HPUD) Service Area; Lenoir City Utility (LCUB) Power Outages; LCUB Electric Service Area; West Knox Utility (WKUD) Service Area

Other Regional Map Resources

Tennessee Library Map Links:
UT Library site which contains links to several mapping sites and GIS data site. These include county maps, satellite images, genealogy maps, statewide and countywide GIS data, and more.

The Tennessee Spatial Data Server:
The Tennessee Spatial Data Server contains mostly datasets from Federal mapping sources, especially the USGS. Includes some political boundary information, stream network, digital ortho quads (DOQs), digital raster graphs (DRGs), etc.

Tennessee State Comptroller's Office Railroad Maps
Railroad Easement Maps arranged by County and rail company.

Tennessee Business Licenses Search.

NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway:
The US Dept. of Agriculture's One-Stop Shop for Natural Resources Data.

The Tennessee Map:
The Tennessee Map portal is maintained by the State of Tennessee's Office of Information Resources GIS Division. It provides access to Statewide data, including aerial photography for all of East Tennessee. Vexcel Imagery

Tennessee Judicial Districts Interactive Map: 
Statewide map that provides links to each county's judicial court locations and current judges / magistrates

Tennessee Re-Districting 2022 Address Lookup 
Statewide web app that provides Address Search lookup using statewide address lookup to identify both the old and newly Re-districted representative zones - Tennessee House and Senate, US Representative, and local County Commission districts. (Note that the addresses in the State website do not always align with the official Address assignments as maintained by Knoxville-Knox County Planning and as shown on the KGIS system).

Think Tennessee - State of Our Counties Map Dashboard 

USDA Loan Eligibility Map
Interactive Maps for determining Eligibility for US Department of Agriculture loans. Address verification.