This is KGIS's prime mapping application site. You can search a variety of mapping information available with in Knox County. Everything from aerial photography, standard parcel information, school zones, political districts, zoning and much much more.
KGIS Mobile map viewer
Application showing information about parks in Knox County. Contains info for parks managed by Knox County, the City of Knoxville, Knox County Schools, University of Tennessee, and others. You can locate nearby parks and see their facilities on the map.
The Planning Cases application is maintained by KGIS for the Knox County Planning Commission. This website will allow you to search active and historical Planning cases (e.g. rezoning, use on review, one year plan, concept plan, final plat, etc.). Each case will have a link to the Knox Planning staff report and recommendations as well as a case summary.
The City of Knoxville Survey Control System (SCS) application is maintained by KGIS for the City of Knoxville's Engineering Department. This site will allow you to locate established city control points and reference their location data. You can interactively locate areas by zooming and panning the map or lookup areas by address, parcel id, street intersection, or control point id. You can also print a map with the associated control point information.
For more information, visit the City of Knoxville's Engineering Survey Control page.
The Urban Design and Development Department works closely with City Council, Knox County, Knoxville-Knox County Planning, KCDC, CBID, Knoxville Chamber, Development Corporation of Knox County, Visit Knoxville, Airport Authority and Zoo Knoxville. The department aggressively pursues creative methods to leverage city economic resources to help realize this commitment to quality growth.
Knox County Trustee's site for tracking properties in the current tax sale.
This Viewer shows the boundaries of city neighborhood groups that have registered with the City of Knoxville’s Office of Neighborhoods and that respond to update requests. It includes neighborhood associations, neighborhood watch groups, homeowner associations with mandatory dues and/or covenants, and neighborhood town halls. The boundaries were provided by the organizations themselves.
This Viewer shows data from the City of Knoxville's Urban Tree Canopy study. The study compared changes in the tree canopy over a 10 year period from 2008 to 2018.
Historical Maps (login required)
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